Site Downgrade

I have decided to move the RapCAD website to a new hosting solution. There are two reasons for this, firstly I don’t see the need any more to host two separate blogs, and secondly because the new solution is cheaper. As a result of this change the bug tracker and forums have gone, (they were not being used anyway) and git hosting has moved primarily to github.

7 thoughts on “Site Downgrade”

  1. Is this still the rapcad website? I see a download link, but no serious documentation. Did this move, or is it more of a figure-it-out-yourself project?

      1. I’ve been working through various CAD/CAM options and am surprised that rapcad is not more discussed. It’s not mentioned at all at,search=rapcad,author=,page=1,match_type=ALL,match_dates=365,match_forum=ALL,match_threads=0 and only a little on the OpenSCAD forums/mailing list:

        Have you considered making a subreddit? /r/rapcad is available

        What would be involved in adding an output/export format? I ask because I’d like to have a scripted front-end for making SVGs for use on a CNC (right now I’m modeling in OpenSCAD, then using the customizer values stored in a JSON file to create SVGs: and I’d like to instead just make a .c2d file for Carbide Create.

  2. I will setup a /r/rapcad (I’ve only just signed up for reddit)

    Rapcad does support a very simple svg export. If you can tell me the format of the .c2d file you want I might be able to add support.

    1. Thanks! The SVG export I’ve been suggesting / working folks through is having different grey values cut to different depths.

      The .c2d file format is weird (to me at least), it’s a JSON file — the tool itself is freely available: (you have to provide your e-mail address — there is a Pro version which will eventually be paid and which adds some basic 3D modeling)

  3. While the intention was to make RapCAD generate tool-paths and RepRap GCODE it doesn’t do so yet. I am not sure if that is a requirement for what you are trying to achieve, but if so watch this space.

    1. It would be nice. Also, have you considered inputting feeds and speeds? Carbide Create has just standardized on a basic CSV fileformat for this, see: and c.f., the file for CAMotics: — I’d still like an export format which could get files into Carbide Create (ob. discl. I work for them)

      Ages ago there was some really cool discussion on this sort of thing on the Shapeoko forums, but I’m not a programmer, and AFAICT, not many of them were acted on (though some made their way into

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